Flitzer Sport Flying Association

Emmanuel Parrein's Z-1 Type S Stummelflitzer

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June 15, 2007


Here's a recent picture of Emmanuel Parrein's Stummelflitzer Z-1 Type S. The aircraft will be powered by a Praga D.75 motor which is itself a vintage engine!

Another picture of Emmanuel's Z-1S. The slight built-in washout of the tip ribs can be seen on the aileron in this picture. Note the windscren now in position.

Here's a third view of Emmanuel's French prototype Type S.

Both this and Vic Long's UK prototype S are very close to each other in terms of completion.

Further pictures of Emmanuel Parrein's prototype Z-1S during trial rigging. No. 4 wing goes on later today!

Good work, Manu!


June 24, 2007


Here are the most recent pictures of the prototype Stummelflitzer Type S from Ateliers Avions Flitzers et Dérives of Normandie. ie. Emmanuel Parrein's French Flitzer workshop. This aeroplane, along with Vic Long's Z-1S, represents almost identical Anglo-French progress to date on the Type S, the first of the many Flitzer development types to have been commenced.

I'm sure you'd agree that these four-aileron evolutions with their more advanced wings, mass and aerodynamically-balanced controls, etc., represent a lot of effort on the part of the builders' as well as a good deal of faith in the design, the first flight of which, on which ever side of the English Channel, is eagerly awaited.

I am confident that the performance of these aeroplane will bear out the additional effort.

Horsepower for horsepower, the Stummel has been referred to as a Pitts-eater! We shall have to see! :0)

I think this angle best demonstrates
what a compact machine this is.

June 26, 2007


A picture of Emmanuel's Z-1S panel. The two square holes are for starter and carburettor heat.

Due to their proximity the two knobs should be different colours and shapes to avoid accidentally pulling the starter in flight, I think! Possibly the starter knob should be fitted with a shroud plate to prevent accidental selection in high workload conditions, such as turning finals in rough weather with other aircraft in the circuit.


June 26, 2007 - Praga Prop


Herewith a picture of Emmanuel's propeller which he made for the Praga D.75 motor to power his Stummelflitzer Z-1 Types S.

The propeller is based on the unit attached to the Hurel Dubois high aspect-ratio research aircraft displayed at the Musée at Le Bourget. This was one of only three aircraft I've seen with the rare Praga D.75, the others being the Czech Trempik, a tandem-seat, high wing, tailwheel-equipped homebuilt which flew from Czechoslovakia in the 1970s to the PFA Rally with its designers/builders at the controls; the first time such an aircraft from a Warsaw Pact country had been allowed to visit a Western event. The other was the Italian Alaparma Baldo, side-by-side twin-boom aerobatic machine with a pusher engine installation, the remains of which was the donor aircraft for Emannuel's engine.


September 01, 2007


Here's some great progress to show you - Emmanuel Parrein's French prototype Z-1 Type S Stummelflitzer with its base coat of ivory white. Next pictures will show the curving blue colour scheme detail and lettering!

I can hardly wait!

Flitzer los!


September 03, 2007


Here are the first pictures of Emmanuel's Type S fuselage colours.


September 10, 2007


Here's another picture of Emmanuel's Stummelflitzer Z-1 Type S fuselage on its undercarriage with cabane and windscreen in place.


October 27, 2007


Following the picture posted recently of the prototype French Z-1R, here is a picture of the French Z-1S prototype from the same angle, being built by Emmanuel Parrein, in Normandy: one of several photographs taken by Vic Long, who is himself building the well-advanced UK prototype Stummelflitzer Z-1S.

Note the 'Stummelflitzer' colour trim to the fuselage which will have the wing chevrons in the same colours, the vintage Praga D.75 motor sitting underneath, the cabane structure, and the fabric-covered rudder ready for painting to the right hand side.

The motor should be installed this week.



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