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January 5, 2008 - Improved Battery Hold-down
Here photographs of the battery platform on Vic Long's Stummelflitzer Z-1S prototype.
He has simplified and rationalised my original design and used a horizontal support attached to the triangular ply web to secure the battery instead of the seat back itself and has further simplified the battery attachment.
The idea of the battery being loated here behind the seat is to provide counter balance for any Flitzer type that looks like it's going to be nose heavy. In the case of the Z-1S with the UL260i motor, its installed length meant that without some rear ballast it was likely to balance at the forward end of the CG range.
P.S. The hinged upper support is part of an Me 262 control hinge he happened to have lying around...as one does. :0)
February 12, 2008 - Z-1S
Here's Vic's Z-1S prototype trestled alongside the French prototype.
February 16, 2008 - Z-1S
Here are pictures of Vic's UL260i motor hanging on the front of his Z-1S. The engine mount is yet to be proof-loaded so may change in configuration. The 'flat' upper wing is not rigged correctly and will have a little dihedral, about 1/2 degree.
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